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Verdon Haut Var mobile home for sale at Avelanède camping

Haut Var mobile home for sale at Avelanède camping

At the camping l’Avelanède Verdon Haut Var mobile home for sale which can be used as vacation lodges. These mobile homes are private property, which, including the parcel can be leased. For more information, please contact us.

To view mobile homes for sale, click on the link below:

New mobile homes can be bought at any time, if current ones are unsatisfactory. Different mobile homes will probably be available in the neighbourhood.

There are two parcels still available.

We also regularly buy new mobile homes, of varying brands.


It is also possible to purchase second-hand mobile homes and place them on one of our parcels.


If you feel tempted to try our camping and visit the region with its many different facets, varying activities, delightful laziness and well-preserved environment, don’t hesitate to visit us to get a sense of the pleasant atmosphere, whether it be for a day, a weekend or your holiday.


The parcels:

Camping spots can be customized to your wishes, with respects to certain fixed properties:

  • Garden wooden shed
  • The roofed-in terrace
  • Flowers and plants are welcome
  • Parking spot on your own camping spot
  • Hedges and plant growth separating neighbouring camping spots
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